The days are flying by and even with an extra day in this month, I know that if I just stop and blink it will be December again in what will seem to be such a short amount of time. That realization is what is propelling me to seize the moments that are presented to me and move forward, even when I don’t feel that things are quite ready. Because as someone reminded me recently, time is consistent. It steadily moves along at its normal pace. It’s just our opinion of it that’s changed. I remember when 30 minutes felt like forever. Now I wonder how 2020 was actually four years ago!
And as someone who is learning to let go of the perfectionist tendencies more and more, one thing I want to do this year is spend more time doing what I love—creating, doing more, drawing inspiration from the world around me. This year I want a better balance between the mandatory things that must be accomplished and the things I enjoy.
One of those things at the top of my list is to spend more time with my nieces. Their boundless energy, simple view of the world, and willingness to try hard things always inspires me. On a recent trip, one of my nieces (who is barely 3 feet tall) wanted to swing on the monkey bars. I helped hold her up as she moved from one bar to the next and was instantly reminded of two important things:
- I really need to increase the weight I use during my upper body workouts and
- From my niece’s perspective, being small and needing help doesn’t disqualify her from attempting big things.
Spending time with my nieces reminded me that at times I may need to steady myself before I attempt things that seem daunting; I may even need to ask for help. But regardless of how things look, there will be moments in which taking a leap will mean looking up and moving forward, unconcerned with the possibility of falling.
As this year progresses, I hope to be brave like my nieces, delight in simple moments, and discount the taunts of gravity. And I hope you will do the same. Undoubtedly this year will fly by at its perceived lightening pace, but my sincere hope is that all the dreams and potential that have been placed inside of you will flourish and bring joy to you and the lives of others. Because it is a good year for taking a leap.