It’s amazing how much of a difference a few extra hours of daylight can make. With the extended hours of sunlight comes the sense that more can be accomplished. Outings and adventures don’t have to be cut so short.
Last month I worked with some special littles to help me bring my vision to reality. Although it was only a few hours of fun and very chilly weather, I appreciated their enthusiasm and good nature, which often comes with just being carefree children. Most months are busy, so it becomes a little too easy to be less than consistent.
But thinking about their help kept me going, wanting to make sure their afternoon hours weren’t wasted.
I know it’s Women’s History month, which often leads to me learning the names of women who’ve done great things, like being the first to make notable achievements or perform great feats. But this month it’s the smallest of the little girls in my life that are reminding me of how their act of just being their joyful selves has an impact on my life.
In turn, I’m motivated to work harder so I can spend even more time playing and making memories with the smallest, but quite impactful, littles in my life. So while I’m happy to celebrate the women on the world stage who are making a difference, I’m reminded to not forget to appreciate, encourage, and champion the littlest of the littles before their names are recorded in the annals of history.
I’m grateful to know some very little women that have yet to make history on the world stage, but are doing just fine by being themselves and bringing joy to those around them. And that’s always a great way to make an impact.